Growing Together in Faith,
Knowledge and Love

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Welcome from Headteacher

On behalf of the staff, pupils and Governing Body, I am delighted to welcome you to Moreton Church of England Primary School. We are a one-form entry village school set in rural surroundings approximately two miles from Ongar. Moreton has a reputation for being a friendly open and caring school and our Christian Distinctiveness is very important to us. We endeavour to ensure that we provide an inclusive education of the highest possible quality within the context and ethos of Christian belief. Our vision and values drives our school to be a place of excellence where all are valued as individuals as God’s children.
At Moreton we pride ourselves on fostering a culture of aspiration and self-belief and on providing a supportive and challenging learning environment. Our children will aspire to be inquisitive and creative learners, who fulfil their potential with a love and passion to do God’s work. They are encouraged and expected to work hard to make a positive difference to themselves and others.
We have high expectations at Moreton in everything we do and in the way we behave. Alongside academic work, we value developing the whole child and place great emphasis on fun, memorable learning experiences, participating in a wide range of sporting opportunities, charity and community work.
We are very proud of our school and would be pleased to show you around. Please do arrange a visit to the school if you would like to find out more.

N Batt Website

Mrs N Batt

Virtual Tour

Please view our virtual tour for a snapshot of our school. We will be holding school tours for prospective parents in November.

Our Prospectus

School Prospectus 2022 1
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Latest News

We are advertising for a Higher Level Teaching Assistant.