Christian focus at Moreton
We incorporate our curriculum values through many aspects of our learning.

EYFS Nativity Maths

EYFS Number 7 as a Rainbow

Why God created jellyfish

Year 4 – Planting trees in memory of H. R. H Prince Philip
We pray together every day and children are encouraged to pray individually .
Our children recognise the importance of prayer and will actively lead prayers in Collective Worship. Parents, children, staff and visitors are very welcome to write prayers and post them in our reception area. We have a prayer chain within school where key people, including Rev Albert, pray for specific indviduals or situations. All prayers are confidential. If you would like us to pray for you or someone you know please email us at:
Every half term we have a focused ‘active’ prayer sessions. During these special sessions children are invited to pray for situations around the world.
Things we are praying for especially at the moment:
- Children and families who are caught up in wars, including refugees
- An end to hunger in our local community
- Ways to reverse the environmental climate change
- Our school and how we can make it even better
We have linked up with https://prayerspacesinschools.

Reason for the Season!
Have you ever had your child come home from school and ask you about something you’ve found difficult to answer? Our Parents’ Feedback Group for Church School Matters suggested that we could put some information together on about the festivals that our church and school celebrate together, so that parents and children can find out more about them.
Celebrating Easter
We have linked up with to identify times when we need to have dedicated spaces and time to pray. These ‘pop up prayer’ spaces enable pupils and those in our community a chance to pause and reflect.