School Parliament 

The role of the School Parliament at Moreton CEVA Primary School is to give pupils a chance to share their ideas and opinions about how to improve school life. Each class has elected two children to be the representatives for their class.  These members make up the Cabinet.

Being a Moreton School Parliament Member is an important and rewarding job.  MPs need to be good listeners, to be able to negotiate well with their peers and to be able to communicate confidently with a range of people.  Children will also learn a lot along the way and these skills are transferable to many aspects of their future lives.

Why do we need a School Parliament?

  • To allow the voice of almost 200 children to be heard
  • To work alongside all the children in a collaborative manner
  • To improve the school for everyone
  • To be positive role models who ignite aspiration in themselves and others
  • To be an extension to the extra work that all the adults already do

View our Constitution below:

Autumn Term Agenda

DateMeeting agendaActivity to be taken be undertaken by school councillors
1st OctIntroductionsN/A
8th OctSchool council constitution
Meetings- expectations of school councillors
15th OctTraining for school councillors- how to feedback to class
Election of treasurer, chair person and secretary
Ask classes for fundraising ideas and ideas for ‘kindness day/week’
22nd OctContinuation of training- note taking
Agreement on CIN/ Kindness day/ week activities
Share with class/ allocate roles
12th NovFinal planning for CIN/ Kindness daySchool councillors
26th NovHow can pupil wellbeing be promoted and enhanced?
Meeting and Training for School councillors and Sports and Wellbeing leaders?
Surveys- school councillors to work with phase leaders- delivered in a wellbeing assembly
10th DecFeedback from wellbeingAction plan on wellbeing- initial discussion with class on priorities
17th DecCelebration/ thank you for councillors
Forward planning for next term

Our School Parliament representatives:

We are advertising for a Higher Level Teaching Assistant.