Moreton Blooms

At Moreton Church of England Primary School we are very proud of our Extended School Facility and the experiences our children are offered during our Breakfast Club.  We would like to extend this to enable us to open an After School Club in the future.

Breakfast Club 

Opens at 7:45am until the start of the school day. The children are offered a healthy breakfast before joining in with various fun activities on offer. Breakfast club is an excellent time for children to socialise with one another whilst preparing themselves for a day in school.

After School Club

Our after school club is run by our dedicated staff everyday from3pm to 5:30pm.  Children love attending as they take part in wide range of activities in a safe, caring environment.  During the sessions children spend outside either playing or going on local walks.  They are also encouraged to take part in craft activities, cooking or  gardening.  As the sessions unwind they also have the opportunity for a quiet chill out time to reflect on their day. A healthy snack and drink is provided early into the session with the children taking an active role in preparing the menu of snacks they would like us to provide. If you wish to find out more please contact Mrs Mainwaring via the main school office.

T Truss scaled

Mrs T Trussler

Breakfast Club and After School Club Assistant

V Burling 01.09.22

Mrs V Burling

After School Manager

We are advertising for a Higher Level Teaching Assistant.