

School Office –

Moreton Church of England Primary School
Church Road

Tel: 01277 890255

Our school’s catchment area is shown on our admissions policy with children travelling from Stanford Rivers and Toot Hill in the south up to Magdalene Laver in the north, High Laver and, of course, Moreton. However, children travel from as far afield as Chipping Ongar, Shelley, Matching and Harlow (some even further!) to come to our school.

Whether you are new to the school or a returning parent it is very important to us that children feel comfortable and secure at all times, therefore we strongly recommend you contact the school, via the office to arrange a tour. If you are the parent of a foreign national child, it is your responsibility to check that you have the right under your UK entry conditions to study at our school before applying for a place. Details of support can be found here.


We have a 5-point transition for those children joining us in EYFS. This takes place throughout the Summer term and into September. The transition starts with an information evening where parents have the opportunity to discuss school procedures with the headteacher and EYFS class teacher. There are opportunities for your child to spend time in their new class and even have some lunch in order to become familiar with the new surroundings. We then continue building a complete picture of each child by visiting their pre-school/nursery and home.  Parents will be sent details of these visits by the school office.

If you wish to transfer to our school, we would recommend that you contact us for a visit – we’d love to show you around. From 1st April 2022, all mid-year applications should be made directly to the school, using the relevant form available below or from the school office. Please complete this form and forward it to the school. Mid-year applications (sometimes called in-year applications) are any application for a school place made to a year group, apart from September admissions to Reception.

For applications into existing year groups, a place will be offered when the number of pupils in the relevant year group is below the admission number for that year group.

We are advertising for a Higher Level Teaching Assistant.